Lady in Waiting: Waiting with Wisdom and being Content IN the Process.

So as I am preparing myself for an awesome man of God, I am reading this really good book "God is Your Matchmaker" by Stephanie Herzog. Not only have I been re-inspired by the book and the grand future that lies ahead but I also am lead to take a year out to rededicate my life to purity and a God-focused mindset. I believe that in this upcoming year God will realign my thinking when it comes to love, marriage, and family. I am looking forward to the adventure in Christ as I learn more about myself and the concept of love and family.- I must say I am excited.

In this year (2010), I am not dating or being concerned with guys, the concept of marriage or the possibility with anyone. I am totally focusing my mind on God, our relationship, and the work He has for me now-That I may know Him. Of course the enemy tried to play with my mind and I have thought, what if I meet an amazing man and He asks me out? Well, then Mr. Amazing would wait for Ms. Amazing as she prepares herself before the Lord- no exceptions. Ladies, no man (if true to his relationship with God) will purposely take you off track (for anything-including for their own selfish reasons). This guy is not to be desired anyway, the bar should be raised. Where is your standard?


This is my mindset, I will not be swayed by cute face or advance, neither others thinking I have severely conservative views, am too picky, and will never get my guy. I will have everything that God says I will because I am a woman of integrity with a heart set for God in expectation of His finest- and watch me receive it!

Im excited,

Love Libby*

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