Living Water Immersion: Thirsty for More

Ah, the place of maturity.

As we grow into the individual that God wants us to be, the bible speaks of a pruning process (John 15: 1-2). I was blessed enough to get insight beforehand, I was shown that my process would be extremely difficult and move rather slowly and to my disappointment things began to manifest rather quickly that prove its challenges. In all honesty, I was saddened, fought and continue to fight discouragement, despair, and unbelief. I am faced with the options of defeat or putting my faith in destiny, I choose life. The desire for clarity and character grow and I was thrust into the wilderness. I can talk about the difficulties but most often I see that my expression is hardly ever understood and in my frustration I cry to God.............What is there Lord? Sometimes we need divine motivation that only Christ can provide. In the place of separation and purging is when we need to be the closest to Him. The old cliches "Hang in there, It's around the corner, and it is only but for a season" are not what I need to hear in this season. My heart needs more, I have to get the word to another measure, something deeper. This surface that I have broken through has provoked hunger. As it is cannot live by bread alone but we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. (Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4)

I am being exposed by the Lord and it seems as if my flaws are magnified. I am being ripped and it is quite a painful. However I was informed of the process so now I have to do all that I know how and after all else stand. Hebrews 12 brought me much comfort-explaining the love of God through discipline. In this season the word has the opportunity to become living like never before. I am at the brink of total submission as I am being refined by the fire. The flames are burning and I must admit retreat is surely a temptation in this season. So the need to constantly renew my mind is clearer that ever. I notice the sneers of those around me and the unbelief that God can do anything with me, its hard. However the place of maturity is a place where you have hit the crossroad. Life, Death? Which one will you choose? The lies of the enemy and your own eyes can act as the biggest
block from the promises. Saturation and application of the word of God is my only hope for survival and the only way to build my relationship while laying down to die in order to rise!

Determined for Transformation,


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