Slowcooked Salvation- What are you doing with what God gave you?

Hello my friends,

It as been years since I have posted. To be brutally honest, a sharp criticism of the blog had me stop posting all together and question everything. The discouragement led me to think, why write anyway? I questioned myself, about how many mommy bloggers, lifestyle bloggers, Christian bloggers can exist in the world?  Surpassing that, the women that I admire are simply dynamic.  It's crazy to think that I could share space or have a seat at the table. Comparison crept in and took up residence in my heart.  I went from being so passionate about the art of writing and reflection to total defeat by mere words.

You know my friend, it's funny how a simple comment can drive a dream into the dirt, like a coffin never to see sunlight again.  It was Elementary, I allowed the words of an acquaintance to strip me of community and connection to God.  How stupid!  Months ago I would have probably been ashamed of all the time that I believed was wasted as I left my writing on the back burner but after years of living and soul searching I have realized that you can always pick up where you left off and sometimes better than before.  I am a firm believer that God knows every aspect of our lives and if I believe that truth I must believe that He is omniscient and truly knows all.  He foreknew that comment that would derail me and every moment that would follow.  He knew how long the journey back to dreaming and back to Him would be and just like Hansel, he left breadcrumbs for me knowing that I would find my way back one crumb at a time.

Since I stopped writing a lot has changed,  I am a wife and a mother of a blended family- 3 bonus adults and 2 preschoolers.  I can honestly say that nothing has made me want to pursue God more than family.  We will get more into family and daily life as we walk on this journey together but for now, let's sit and talk about dreams.


They start so small but when ignited, they are like little sticks of dynamite that can take out an entire mountain.

Dreams can be so sacred that we hide them from the world hoping that no one stumbles across our treasure until we are certain of what to do with it.

Dreams inspire us to live bigger than we ever imagined and can take us right to the doorstep of success.

Yet the human mind and heart can sabotage itself  by comparison and the desire to manufacture the dream before its correct timing.

In life, I am learning that the best things in life are like pot roast, yes, pot roast. Pot Roast takes hours to be made in the slow cooker and each ingredient is added at just the right time, at just the right temperature for a taste like no other.  It's crazy because when I prepare pot roast usually it is being prepared for the next day.  I can anticipate the meal but if I cut corners to eat it that night, I would have forfeited the process that would give me the result I desire.  Simply saying friends that short cuts  don't work so let's enjoy the process and be optimistic that the dream isn't dead, it's just marinating or slow cooking until we are ready to approach it the right way.  You would be surprised at what the Lord will teach you in the so called "wilderness experience".  It's the place where faith is birthed- and regardless of how traumatic the delivery, the birth of the baby makes everything a distant memory.
What have you neglected or forgotten about?

What dreams have you put on the back burner?

Today I want to inspire you friends to take a step of faith and grab at the breadcrumbs that God has left for you.  Pick up where you left off and watch God work in this place. Let me pray for and with you.


Thank you for your love and consistency. Thank you for your long-suffering and patience with us.  God we come humbly asking for your forgiveness as we left the valuables for the enemy to creep up into our minds and try to steal the dream. I thank you that you are greater and mightier than can even comprehend and that you are an all powerful God that isn't moved by the inconsistency of your children. Please show us the way and reignite the fire that ice burned and this time with newfound wisdom and knowledge. Let the gifts, talents, and passions developed all be used to bring you glory and reflect your unfailing love. Thank you Jesus, please give us an appreciation for patience (the art of slow cooking) as we marinate on your Word and rest in your presence.

In Jesus's name I pray.


What are you going to do with the dream?

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