Be still and know He is God- and THEN be obedient!

Hello Friends,

I am at it again, moving in haste.  For some time I knew I was suppose to move and begin writing again but the second I started, I just kinda jumped in and forgot that I'm not steering this ship anymore.

So after a long phase of nothing, I wrote a blog, meaning that after years of being paralyzed, I just kinda jumped in the deep end and I just thought I could resume swimming but quickly after I jumped in, I realized that the current has changed and instead of the shallow end I'm used to, I found myself in the ocean.

As I wrote an arranged a blogpost yesterday, I found myself struggling for air and picked up this weight that was pulling me down like an anchor- and I found myself at it again, human effort. As I moved in myself, I was helpless.

So I stopped again

I stopped writing

and tried connecting.

Connecting the dots and connecting to God.  So I feel led to let you know that as I develop a buoyancy and walk in obedience to this thing, my largest commitment is to God.

I will write but I will be led, focused and available.

Like a game of Uno, God threw out the reverse card/ my life vest- I saw it clearly, "Go back and do what I told you".




So excuse me while I refocus and sit in the book of Jeremiah for a while, I believe something is there for us.  I am not going to approach this blog nor writing haphazardly anymore but make a commitment to be intentional about the path that I'm on. I believe the same for all of us.  With the real captain at the wheel we will have true fulfillment.


Help us make you Lord over our lives and allow you to steer the ship. Help us grow in trust and wisdom.  Protect us from outside factors that speak haste and quick movement but allow us to be at peace knowing that you know all.  Forgive us for ever moving without you and thank you for quick correction to stay the course.  Help us all grow together.

In your matchless name I pray,


Friend know that its ok to begin again..........and win!

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