Encourage Yourself!!!!!!!!!!

So we all have seasons when we are in need of something that only God can give us. It feels as if no words in the world can comfort the soul and we long for God to intervene.

It is in the that moment that He says, "Have faith".

Then something beautiful happens, you gird up your loins, pull up your bootstraps and apply that faith and use the very word of God (the facts) to encourage yourself.

Never give up, regardless of what your eyes see- the life lies in your faith in God. Things will NOT always be this way. You will have everything that God has promised you + some.

So look in the mirror confidently and rehearse the good things, speak the word over your own life in the midst of discouragement. be thankful for all God has done and REMEMBER THE GOOD THINGS, remember all He has brought you through (this is no different) and watch as the diminishment melts away and your faith in God increases. You can do it!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFNHmA9a2gI (Song Encourage Yourself, Enjoy)

As I am embarking on one of the most difficult strides in my race, I need to be the cheerleader for myself as I am for others. Relentless in pursuit and bubbling over with love*

I encourage you to grow and encourage yourself in the midst of the storm. Push for that dependency in God and exercise your faith! Speak it aloud and water the good seeds and have the good seed produce fruit a hundred fold.

Praying for your success in Christ!

God you are awesome, there is nothing that you cannot do and no heart that you cannot heal. Lord I ask right now in the name of Jesus that you touch deep within, that we allow you to fully do the inner work and that our faith in you truly makes us whole. God we will stick to your word like glue and grow in our faith. We commit to your word receiving it as all truth for our lives. Even though we acknowledge that we are hurting, we acknowledge you as God and the completion that we need for our healing. We believe in all faith that the work you started, you will finish. In Jesus name I pray Amen*

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